
4 articles

Getting to Know Hashes Cryptography in Golang

Getting to Know Hashes Cryptography in Golang

Hashes & Cryptography The hash function takes a set of data and reduces it to a smaller fixed size.

Get to know Container List and Sort in Golang

Get to know Container List and Sort in Golang

In addition to arrays and maps, Go has several more collections available under the container package.

Get to know the Standard String Library in Golang

Get to know the Standard String Library in Golang

As programmers who are learning Go Lang, we also need to know Go’s default library packages so that we understand better and have an easier time interacting with the core packages.

Get to know the Input Output Library in Golang

Get to know the Input Output Library in Golang

Before studying the Golang IO library, there are lots of functions in the IO library but the most important ones are 2 function interfaces, namely Reader and Writer.